
By JoshuaNicolas

Careers in High Demand: IOM Technologist

Looking for a new career that’s in high demand? Learn more about the field of intraoperative neuromonitoring, or IOM.

Job Description

An IOM technologist works under the supervision of a physician to provide important information during electro-diagnostic testing. IOM stands for intraoperative neuromonitoring, which means neurological monitoring during a surgical procedure. 

An anesthesiologist or surgeon relies on the IOM technologist to do neurological tests during surgery to access the patient’s neurological functioning. These tests include electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), Motor Evoked Potentials (MEP), and Brain Stem Evoked Potential (B.A.E.R.). 

The technologist performs these tests to determine abnormalities in neurological function. When deficits are discovered early, these tests can prevent irreversible nerve damage resulting in paralysis, muscle weakness, or other losses of function in the body. An IOM technologist is most likely to work in a hospital or surgical setting.

IOM Technologist Salary

According to, the salary of an IOM technologist working in the United States averages $80,659. The position can pay slightly more or less, depending on education level, the time spent in the industry, certifications, and more.  

For Instances

  • SpecialtyCare currently has positions for intraoperative neuromonitoring in Nashville, TN, and Houston, TX. SpecialtyCare is a leader in intraoperative neuromonitoring and is a provider of services to more than 450 hospitals in the U.S. Its technologists offer support to more than 1,700 surgeons across the United States.
  • MPOWERHealth is often hiring for IOM Technologist jobs in Tampa, FL. These jobs include performing assessments of patients before and after neurological procedures.
  • Edwards Consulting Group (ECG) is seeking an IOM technologist for locations in Arizona, Texas, and South Carolina. ECG is a San Antonio-based human resources consultancy that offers medical staffing to healthcare facilities across the U.S.
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Training and Requirements

Because there’s a shortage of IOM technologists, many hospitals will train the right person for intraoperative monitoring positions to meet the demand. However, many employers require experience and training when hiring a technologist.

The best opportunities go to technologists who are certified and have more experience working as IOM technologists. Many of the certification programs are 12-month courses.

The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) lists three programs to receive certification as an IOM technologist. Laboure College in Massachusetts, Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania, and the University of Michigan all offer accredited courses in the field.